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10 Physical Symptoms You Should Look Out For If You Are Feeling Anxious.

Anxiety is our body's automatic fight-or-flight response towards any stressful situation. Each one of us have felt anxiety whenever we were under any kind of pressure or any stressful situation, but when this starts to interfere with our daily lives normal anxiety turns into anxiety disorder. Here are 10 Physical Symptoms You Should Look Out For If You Are Feeling Anxious:

Anxiety is our body's automatic fight-or-flight response towards any stressful situation. Each one of us have felt anxiety whenever we were under any kind of pressure or any stressful situation, but when this starts to interfere with our daily lives normal anxiety turns into anxiety disorder. Here are 10 physical symptoms for anxiety disorder:

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1. Pounding Heart - This sensation feels like your heart is racing through the space in the middle mediastinum. Beats, runs and flutters till the sound grows louder and louder with the increasing amount of stress

2. Changes in Breathing - Either you start breathing rapidly or too shallow thinking about all possible and impossible outcomes. Will it be A or B? Will it be BOTH? Or will it be C? Your breaths start to coordinate with your uncontrollable thoughts.

3. Shortness of Breath - You feel like your entire respiratory system has collapsed and soon you might too. No matter how much you inhale and exhale your respiratory organs fails you temporarily.

4. Sweating - You start sweating tremendously whenever the situation gets out of your hand. Your hands get wet and so does your clothes. Your whole environment heats up.

5. Shaking and Trembling - You start shaking and trembling, cannot focus your sight on anything or anyone. You see your movements becomes shifty and slippery as if you might roll down on ground any moment.

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6. Ear Ringing - Your ear starts ringing, despite all the noise in the world you only listen to a sharp tone deafening ringing that squeezes out the life in you. The only things you can do is to sit down and wait for it to pass.

7. Dry Mouth - Your mouth become dry as the sand, it becomes very hard for you to even swallow water. No amount of water can fix this sensation. Your own saliva turns into dust while you go through the whole situation.

8. Butterflies in Stomach - Your stomach starts to churn making your whole body uncomfortable and unstable. This feeling is nothing compare to the feeling you have when you see your crush, but it feels exactly like the expression "Butterflies in Stomach", an alien body going round and round in your stomach making you sick to your throat.

9. Disrupted Vision - Your vision starts to disrupts. Everything becomes blurry and you lose focus. You kind of see everyone and everything but then again you don't. The corner of your eyes begins to blacken while the focus blurs out completely. Sometimes whole of your vision becomes like an AV TV, statics everywhere.

10. Nausea - You feel nauseated all the times whenever your mind gets clouded with all those uncontrollable thoughts. It travels through your whole body. Butterflies in stomach causes it sometime, while your hormones start to regulate in such a speed that vomiting your insides out might be the only solution to stop it.

This sounds scary and horrific but it is more dark than what it is written. But in the same time it is okay to have anxiety, if you feel you can't control it, we are here for you. We will help you to get through this roller coaster ride. No matter what happens you are not alone in this.

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